The Heart of God
Understanding God’s Will through the Ten Commandments
The Heart of God 1st Commandment All You need is Him
Today we talking about the 1st Commandment, You Shall Have No Other Gods. Our hearts search for things to worship and in the end we put ourselves at the heart of the matter. We need His love, His righteousness, we need Our God. We’ll be hearing what it means for South Lake church to Engage, Grow, and Share Jesus in our Community Relationships.
The Heat of God- 3rdCommandment- The Sabbath was made for man
Today we talking about the 3rd Commandment, Remember the Sabbath Day by keeping it Holy. Our hearts search for things to worship and in the end we put ourselves at the heart of the matter. We need His love, His righteousness, we need Our God. We’ll be hearing what it means for South Lake church to Engage, Grow, and Share Jesus in our Community Relationships.
The Heat of God – 4th Commandment
Today we talking about the 4th Commandment, Honoring your father and mother. Our hearts search for things to worship and in the end we put ourselves at the heart of the matter. We need His love, His righteousness, we need Our God. We’ll be hearing what it means for South Lake church to Engage, Grow, and Share Jesus in our Community Relationships.
The Heart of God- 5th Commandment
Today we talking about the 5th Commandment, You Shall Not Murder. Our hearts search for things to worship and in the end we put ourselves at the heart of the matter. We need His love, His righteousness, we need Our God. We’ll be hearing what it means for South Lake church to Engage, Grow, and Share Jesus in our Community Relationships.
The Heart of God – 6th Commandment
Today we talking about the 6th Commandment, You Shall Not Commit Adultery. We will be talking about sex and intimacy in our broken world. Our hearts search for things to worship and in the end we put ourselves at the heart of the matter. We need His love, His righteousness, we need Our God. We’ll be hearing what it means for South Lake church to Engage, Grow, and Share Jesus in our Community Relationships.
The Heart of God – 7th Commandment
Today we talking about the 7th Commandment, You Shall Not Steal. How stealing has an effect on our own relationships in the world. We need His love, His righteousness, we need Our God. We’ll be hearing what it means for South Lake church to Engage, Grow, and Share Jesus in our Community Relationships.
The Heart of God – 8th Commandment
Today we talking about the 8th Commandment, You Shall Not Give False Testimony Against Your Neighbor. We will be talking how our tongues can cause so much hurt around those amongst us. Yet, we can share the Good News of our God who loves us. We need His love, His righteousness, we need Our God. We’ll be hearing what it means for South Lake church to Engage, Grow, and Share Jesus in our Community Relationships.
9th and 10th Commandments
Today we talking about Support the Mission of South Lake church the 9th and 10th Commandment, You Shall Not Covet. There is a difference between Happiness and Joy. Happiness is fleeting and its easy to then look to our neighbor and yearn for what they have to make us happy. Yet, Joy goes beyond wants, it goes beyond the best of times, it’s knowing that our God, loves and blesses you. For we need His love, His righteousness, we need Our God.
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At South Lake church we Engage, Grow, and Share Jesus in our community relationships. We do this together because in the end, it is all about Relationships with Jesus. May the message series below be a blessing to you on your journey with Jesus.
Start Your Relationship with Jesus
South Lake Church is League City’s Newest Lutheran Church. Lutheran. Specifically we are associated with the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. To be Lutheran simply means that we accept the scriptural truths that inspired the reformation of the Christian Church in the 16th century and led to a renewed focus on the Gospel.