
Gatherings are events and get-togethers where worship happens within our South Lake Church community. In addition to weekly worship, the events below are held regularly in our area. Content of gatherings varies to include times of prayer, Bible study, spending time together, and serving our local area

Upcoming Gatherings


March 29 @ 8:00 am - 9:00 am

Crawfish Boil

March 29 @ 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Weekly Worship

March 30 @ 10:30 am - 11:30 am

Pints and Questions (Ps and Qs)

April 1 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

South Lake Gatherings

Ps and Qs
(Pints and Questions)

1ST Tuesdays | 7:00pm | Craft 96

Pints and Questions is an open forum to ask questions about Scripture, faith and other things in life. It is a great time to bring a friend you’ve been wondering how to start that conversation with. We meet starting at 7pm 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month .

Bible Experience

Have you wanted to start reading the Bible, make it a habit, or get to know Jesus more?  Join us with the Immerse Bible Reading Experience as we start reading about Jesus in a fresh new way. Meet us 8am Saturdays.

Noah’s Ark Cafe in Bacliff 4438 Boulevard St, Bacliff, TX 77518

Evening Women’s Gathering

Renewal is South Lake’s Women’s Gathering. A chance for women all over our community to gather together, be renewed from all that life throws at us and be reminded we walk together on our faith journey. To learn more about Renewal, email Amber at busymom090888@gmail.com

You can more learn details by Private Message, Email and at Weekly Worship at South Lake Church.

Wednesday Morning
Join a new gathering of South Lake Church as we meet at Kelly’s Kitchen 7am each Wednesday to go over the reading from last Sunday, discuss, and be together as we begin the work day. Another great opportunity to share with friends and invite them to get to know Jesus.
Kelley’s Country Cookin’ 1502 West Main Street F.M.518, League City, TX 77573

Start Your Relationship with Jesus

1. Connect with South Lake 

2. Join a Weekly Gathering

3. Worship Together

South Lake Church is League City’s Newest Lutheran Church. Lutheran. Specifically we are associated with the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. To be Lutheran simply means that we accept the scriptural truths that inspired the reformation of the Christian Church in the 16th century and led to a renewed focus on the Gospel.