Our Mission

We Engage, Grow, and Share Jesus in our community relationships.

South Lake is jumping “two feet in” helping develop relationships with JESUS in our community and beyond

What We Do

Engage: We are devoted and obedient to God’s Word. This develops a daily connected relationship to the Father with the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Grow: We are disciples who are disciplining others. We are consistently cultivating the development and growth of relationships with Jesus and with those around us at several venues, seeking to take Jesus where people are already gathering.

Share: We love and serve our community. We share the love of Jesus by being His hands and feet serving our community.

Our Ministry Leaders

Rob Bailey
Rob BaileyLead Pastor
Living in the League City community since 2017, Pastor Rob has a heart to serve our local area and help those around him to experience a relationship with Jesus. He serves as Police Chaplin as well as being nominated for the Glenn Freeman Young Professional Leadership Award. Pastor Rob graduated from Concordia Seminary St. Louis 2017. He was called to help plant a church here in League City. Working with a launch team of five households, He continues to serve South Lake Church and the local community.

Start Your Relationship with Jesus

1. Connect with Us

2. Join Us at a Weekly Gathering

3. Worship with Us

South Lake Church is League City’s Newest Lutheran Church. Lutheran. Specifically we are associated with the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. To be Lutheran simply means that we accept the scriptural truths that inspired the reformation of the Christian Church in the 16th century and led to a renewed focus on the Gospel.