Let’s Serve Together!

We’d be excited for you to join us as we Engage, Grow and Share Jesus in our community relationships. Below are ways you can be a part of our community.

Upcoming Serving Gathering

40 days of Lent – Clean Out Your Closet

A “40 days of Lent clean out your closet refers to a challenge where you dedicate the 40 days of the Lenten season systematically decluttering and organizing your closet, essentially giving up unnecessary clothing items as a form of spiritual reflection and self-discipline, similar to giving up a food item or bad habit during Lent.
Bring your items to the back table on Sundays. The items will be donated to The Assistance League of Bay Area. This organization sells the items to support Operation School Bell, Operation Cinderella, Ready for Work, and Assault Survivor Kits. Items not sold are donated to other support agencies.
Bring your items starting Sunday, March 9th. Contact Corinne Hartwell with questions.

Help South Lake support our local teachers!

We will be supporting KE Little and Parr Elementary School teachers.

Donation Dates: April 15, April 29th

  • Please bring snacks for Parr Elementary School teachers before the mentioned dates
  • Individually wrapped snacks like candy, chips, bars, etc as well as single-serving sized drinks are welcome

Donation Date: May 9

  • We will be donating home-cooked food to the teachers of KE Little 
  • Please bring baked beans, potato salad, or brisket for the mentioned date

South Lake Serving Gatherings

Start Your Relationship with Jesus

1. Connect with South Lake 

2. Join a Weekly Gathering

3. Worship Together

South Lake Church is League City’s Newest Lutheran Church. Lutheran. Specifically we are associated with the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. To be Lutheran simply means that we accept the scriptural truths that inspired the reformation of the Christian Church in the 16th century and led to a renewed focus on the Gospel.