The Lord’s Prayer

We will be discussing what it means to pray the Lord’s Prayer and the impact in our lives.

 Our Father who art in Heaven

We will be discussing what it means to pray the Lord’s Prayer and the impact in our lives. This week, Our Father who art in heaven, what does it mean to God Father, what does it mean to be a child of God as we #EngageGrowShare together because it’s about #relationshipswithjesus.

Thy Will Be Done

We are continuing our series on The Lord’s Prayer. Praying “Thy Will Be Done” is one of the scariest prayers we can say. We are admitting we are not in control nor are we asking for our wants and desires.

Give us our daily bread

We are continuing our series on The Lord’s Prayer. Praying “Give us this day, our daily bread.” That are wants and needs, with our expectations of how we want them fulfilled, affect our relationship with one another as well as with our Father.

 Lead Us Not Into Temptation

Praying “Lead us from temptation and deliver us from evil”. There are evils on the outside as well as desires from within our inside. We pray the Lord deliver us from those evils around us and to allow His will to be done and not our own desires.

For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory…

We are continuing our series on The Lord’s Prayer. Praying “For Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory forever and ever. Amen.” With the political season heating up, tropical storms continuing to disrupt life, and our own personal daily struggles through these times

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Our Messages are updated every Tuesday Afternoon. Join us for Weekly Worship In-Person and Online Sundays 10:30am

At South Lake church we Engage, Grow, and Share Jesus in our community relationships. We do this together because in the end, it is all about Relationships with Jesus. May the message series below be a blessing to you on your journey with Jesus.

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1. Connect with Us

2. Join Us at a Weekly Gathering

3. Worship with Us

South Lake Church is League City’s Newest Lutheran Church. Lutheran. Specifically we are associated with the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. To be Lutheran simply means that we accept the scriptural truths that inspired the reformation of the Christian Church in the 16th century and led to a renewed focus on the Gospel.

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